# pl_gugik_README.txt The files in this section result from the conversion of datasets originating from [GUGiK](http://www.gugik.gov.pl) ## Included grids ### Poland vertical grid: *Source*: [GUGiK](http://www.gugik.gov.pl/bip/prawo/modele-danych) *Format*: GeoTIFF converted from 'XYZ ASCII Grid' *License*: [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) *Credit*: (c) Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii *Horizontal CRS*: EPSG:9701 (ETRF2000-PL) Two vertical transformations for Geoid model PL-geoid-2011. Used to make the transitions from heights in vertical CRS (EPSG:9651 - EVRF2007-PL height) or (EPSG:9650 - Baltic 1986 height) to heights above the ellipsoid in ETRF2000-PL (EPSG:9701). * pl_gugik_geoid2011-PL-EVRF2007-NH.tif * pl_gugik_geoid2011-PL-KRON86-NH.tif Vertical transformation for Geoid model PL-geoid-2021. Used to make the transitions from heights in vertical CRS (EPSG:9651 - EVRF2007-PL height) to heights above the ellipsoid in ETRF2000-PL (EPSG:9701). * pl_gugik_geoid2021-PL-EVRF2007-NH.tif