# eur_nkg_README.txt The files in this section result from the conversion of datasets originating from [Nordic Geodetic Commission](https://github.com/NordicGeodesy/NordicTransformations) ## Included grids ### Nordic+Baltic countries: 2003 Deformation model *Source*: [The Nordic Geodetic Commission](https://github.com/NordicGeodesy/NordicTransformations) *Format*: GeoTIFF file converted from CTable2 and GTX *License*: [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Deformation model covering the Nordic and Baltic countries. Used in transformations between global reference frames and the local realisations of ETRS89 in the Nordic and Baltic countries. See the `NKG` init-file for examples of use. * eur_nkg_nkgrf03vel_realigned.tif ### Nordic+Baltic countries: 2017 Deformation model *Source*: [The Nordic Geodetic Commission](https://http://www.nordicgeodeticcommission.com/) *Format*: GeoTIFF file *License*: [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Deformation model covering the Nordic and Baltic countries. Used in transformations between global reference frames and the local realisations of ETRS89 in the Nordic and Baltic countries. * eur_nkg_nkgrf17vel.tif ## Included init-files ### Nordic+Baltic countries: ITRFxx -> Local ETRS89 realizations *Source*: [The Nordic Geodetic Commission](https://github.com/NordicGeodesy/NordicTransformations) *License*: [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Transformations to and from the common Nordic referenc frame NKG_ETRF00. This init-file describes transformations between global reference frames and NKG_ETRF00 as well as transformations from NKG_ERTF00 to the local realisations of ETRS89 in each of the countries involved with NKG. All transformations in this init-file uses the common Nordic frame as a pivot datum. Exempt from this dogma are transformations with labels starting with ``_``. Those transformations are "private" to this file and are only used as steps in more complicated transformations. * NKG